During the Siebenbürgen Historischer Schwertkampf 2023 event we implemented “The Challenge” Game Mechanics – an original concept developed by Adina Mihaita which was previously put into practice during the Optimus Bucharest HEMA Challenge and Motus HEMA Summer Camp in Bulgaria.
During two full days of the event, over 330 matches were recorded* and the match results and overall rankings can be viewed in a Google spreadsheet.
Navigating the results
The document is View Only so to search for a specific fighter name, you will need to follow these steps:
1) Create a Temporary filter view:

2) Apply the filter to the following range: B2:R345

You can then search for a name of a player and all matches will be displayed, regardless of their status as challenger / challenged or the weapon. If you wish to see duels only for a specific weapon, use the filter in column G – Weapon.
*The sheet “Duels_Clean” contains all recorded match results, as they were provided by players or witnesses. We have processed and eliminated duplicated entries (same two players in the same roles, same weapon, same results), consulted with both fighters for any discrepancies or doubts, and marked all rematches to be excluded from the final rankings.

All the Weapon Rankings are in a separate sheet, and the Longsword finals as well are recorded separately.
The Rankings were calculated on a formula that takes into account the total number of wins, then the total number of matches played, the delta (difference between scored points and received points), and a small penalty for the number of warnings. Initially, we deliberated to also consider if the player was a challenger or being challenged, but we decided against that. Initially, we deliberated to also consider if the player was a challenger or being challenged, but we decided against that.
We will come back soon with more details, photos, and videos. For any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact us on Facebook or Email.